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Ingrid Newkirk - President
Rescues enjoying sanctuary life

OAT have supported the work of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for a number of years, but this particular project pulled on our heart strings. In simplistic terms it incentivises the owners of working animals on the streets of Delhi to relinquish their horses and bullocks in return for the provision of mechanised rickshaws. This is a much more efficient method for transporting goods and the animals get to retire to Animal Rahat, a local purpose-built sanctuary supported by PETA. 


A win-win situation and better still, the Delhi government are right behind the initiative ensuring that the suffering of working animals will continue to diminish.  


Hopefully one day the unnecessary suffering of these animals will become a thing of the distant past. OAT are pleased to say that close friends of Good Heart Animal Sanctuaries were as excited as we were about this project and in 2021 decided to co-fund a grant to kickstart this awesome initiative.  

What PETA does


  • Establish and protect the rights of all animals


  • Educate the public about the horrors of cruelty to animals through peaceful protests and campaigns


  • Raise and award funds to support projects on the ground who directly alleviate animal suffering




How Olsen Animal Trust helps


  • Funding for the support of the Delhi Mechanisation Project, enabling the retirement of long suffering animals used for transport of goods on the streets of Delhi


  • Vanguard members which entails giving a annual donation to support PETA's work in general


Project Images - hover over for details

Life on the streets
Hard at work
Win win deal
Comfortable sanctuary life
Making friends
Celebratory offering
Meeting the team & a resident
Food in abundance
Empathy for all

For further information on the work of PETA please visit

 © PETA, Olsen Animal Trust All rights reserved
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